WAAM Talk 1600


WCP is funded by individual donations, businesses, organizations, foundations, and our wonderful partner camps. The organization receives no government funds.

Children who receive camperships are given the opportunity to attend one or two week sleepaway summer camp, tuition free. Sleeping bags and other camping gear are also provided.

By increasing our ability to serve more of the community we are able to positively impact the future trajectory of additional children. Research shows that children who have been to sleepaway summer camp are better prepared for life outside of the camp environment.

Overnight summer camp is a unique experience where children are immersed in an experience-oriented learning environment. After attending camp, children have a larger affinity for nature, more independence, more perseverance, and more social awareness. For example, activities such as swimming can help save lives while cooperative ropes courses can help build teamwork skills and confidence, potentially leading to improved academic success. The more years that a child is able to attend camp the larger their life impact will be. The skills and confidence gained in camp can transform the lives of children living in challenging circumstances and lead to better long term success rates in college or vocational training, careers, and family.

One Ypsilanti parent said, “Camp was such a wonderful experience for my son. For the past week, he has recounted many positive memories from camp. My son enjoyed trying zip-lining, getting to know his peers and counselors, and giving fishing a try. My son has said a triumphant ‘Yes’ to any help I have requested this week. He’s been so willing to chip in and assist me with simple tasks around the house. He has also been more expressive and appears more ready to engage in family conversation. Our family wants to say THANK YOU to WCP for all that each member of your team does to organize/prep/plan/gather funds, etc., for camp. This is truly one of the best programs we’ve ever been involved with.”

WCP is excited about welcoming even more campers into the program in the future as the organization continues to grow. Additional support from generous organizations such as The United Way of Washtenaw County, The Speckhard-Knight Charitable Foundation, The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor, and donations from individuals in the community are creating additional campership opportunities. The higher the number of camperships that are awarded, the larger the overall positive impact will be for the youth of Washtenaw County and the community at large. WCP continues to look for additional partners in the community to help change the future for more deserving children.

WCP is funded by individual donations, businesses, organizations, foundations, and our wonderful partner camps. The organization receives no government funds. The number of boys and girls sent to camp each year depends entirely on funds available. Donations are welcomed and accepted at washtenawcampplacement.org or by mail. Our Amazon wish list can be found here: WCP Amazon Wish List

About Washtenaw Camp Placement

Washtenaw Camp Placement’s mission is to connect economically disadvantaged youth to camp through community support. Washtenaw Camp Placement (WCP) believes that resident summer camp is a life changing experience that provides children an opportunity for growth in social, emotional, and physical wellbeing. The youth WCP places in camp would not have such an opportunity otherwise. WCP is happy to offer this enrichment possibility to students in Grades 5 and above next year through age 16 who live and/or go to school in Washtenaw County. Applications are screened to determine which applicants would most benefit from a resident camp experience. WCP is the only camping program that accepts referrals from teachers and counselors in all Washtenaw county school districts, as well as from social workers in human service agencies throughout the county.

Camping occurs in the summer, but there are many activities to be done year-round, including mailings, filing, gathering camper clothing and gear, compiling statistics, publicity, and fundraising. Contact WCP to discuss volunteer activities.

WCP is funded by individual donations, businesses, organizations, foundations, and our wonderful partner camps. The organization receives no government funds. The number of boys and girls sent to camp each year depends entirely on funds available. Donations are welcomed and accepted at washtenawcampplacement.org or by mail. We also accept and appreciate donations of goods and services. We also accept and appreciate donations of goods and services. Our campers need new or very gently used: sleeping bags, duffle bags, bath towels and washcloths, single bed linens, socks (new), water bottles, flashlights, non-aerosol bug repellant, sunscreen, rain ponchos, and cloth laundry bags. Our office needs: copy paper, postage, and printer cartridges.

For more information or to send a donation, contact:

Washtenaw Camp Placement



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