WAAM Talk 1600

Hines Park Lincoln

At this time of year in 2024, the Olympics just dominated the news.  We were captivated by televised accounts of the opening ceremonies.  We gaze in admiration and often awe at the feats of athletes. Now we have had the greatest athletes in history, from Simone Biles to Michael Phelps, speak to the importance of mental health and therapy. We have watched Olympians break down in tears from winning, losing, or experiencing injury. We see that these “games” are far more than sport. Goals and Glory is grateful that mental health is less stigmatized now than ever before.  Prominent athletes openly acknowledge that they may be struggling or they are seeing a therapist, but many don’t.  There is still much work to be done. 


Goals and Glory was established in 2018.  Founder Jonah Silk has always kept the scope of the organization manageable, and the focus clear.  As stated on the website (https://goalsandglory.org/), “Goals and Glory exists to help deserving youth athletes who have suffered trauma achieve their goals and find their glory.  We want to de-stigmatize and normalize mental health struggles and help-seeking among youth athletes by sharing their stories on our online magazine platform, The Comeback.”

Since 2018, Goals and Glory has awarded grants to seven youth athletes.  Scholarship applicants submit their story, which is published in The Comeback.  Inspired by Derek Jeter’s Player’s Tribune, Silk wanted to give everyday youth players an opportunity to share their trauma narrative as one step towards their recovery.  The therapeutic tool of writing can help athletes turn a difficult experience into a source of pride. Some used their story for their college essays.

Now in its sixth year, Goals and Glory is launching a new fundraising campaign to award 2-4    grants/scholarships by the end of the 2024-25 academic year.  We are seeking new stories from High School students about challenges they have faced as athletes and how they overcame them. Reach out to us to introduce yourself. We will then request your story – that is the application process! When possible, our board tries to award every applicant a grant, however, every contributor will be featured in the magazine and receive a T-shirt.

In order to offer new scholarships, Goals and Glory needs your help!  Donors can restrict their financial contributions to youth scholarships – and you will read their stories in the Comeback, knowing that you are helping students reach their Goals, and you will experience the Glory of knowing you played an important role in supporting that student.  To donate to Goals and Glory:  

Donate (goalsandglory.org)


Checks made payable to Goals and Glory Foundation

146 E Summit St. Chelsea MI 48118

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