WAAM Talk 1600

MAGA Boat Parade on June 15 from Lake St. Clair to New Gordie Howe Bridge

Nautical Celebration of Trump’s Birthday

Hundreds of private boats, including a 74-foot flagship boat, are expected to participate in a MAGA Boat Parade starting in Lake St. Clair off the 9 Mile Tower and ending when boats pass under the new Gordie Howe International Bridge near downtown Detroit.  This nautical event will launch from off the Nine Mile Tower mark at about 1:01 p.m. and is expected to pass under the Gordie Howe Bridge at about 4:01 p.m. on Saturday, June 15.

Private boats, sea planes, helicopters and drones will start in Lake St. Clair off the 9 Mile Tower.  The flotilla will head south traveling approximately 0.4 miles off shore.  The planned speed will be about 4.3 knots per hour (~5 MPH) with many water craft expected to join the MAGA Boat Parade as it passes the many marinas along the MAGA Parade route.

The MAGA Parade should pass the St. Clair Shore’s Nautical Mile area at about 1:30 p.m.  From there, the course will proceed downriver around Belle Isle and boats expect to pass the GM Building/Hart Plaza area at about 2:30 p.m. The MAGA Parade end point/turn around is expected to be the new Gordie Howe Bridge.

We ask that all boating and land participants follow safe practices at all times. To look even better, we ask that each craft be decorated with American or Trump flags, and with any patriotic display.  Use your audio system to broadcast patriotic music.  Let’s celebrate Michigan MAGA on June 15.”

For MAGA Parade updates check the MCC Facebook event at https://www.facebook.com/share/aeUagrM4jHYkb4Zz/?mibextid=9l3rBW or our website at https://michiganconservativecoalition.com/


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