WAAM Talk 1600

There are two upcoming events for the Salem Area Historical Society.

July 14 at 2pm             Jarvis Stone School Historic District, 7991 N. Territorial Rd. at Curtis Rd.

EVENT:  Salem Area Historical Society (SAHS) will be holding a dedication of its Historical Marker Plaza.  SAHS has been approved to display a double-sided State of Michigan Historical Marker.  One side will honor the South Salem Stone School, which was built in 1857 and was used as an elementary school until 1967.  The other side will honor the Dickerson Barn, which was built by Salem’s first European-American settler, John Dickerson, in 1830.  All are welcome to attend this dedication.  More information can be found at the SAHS Website (www.SAHSHistory.org).


Now until August 10   Jarvis Stone School Historic District, 7991 N. Territorial Rd. at Curtis Rd.

EVENT:  Salem Area Historical Society  (SAHS) is now accepting applications from Artists and Crafters to be vendors at their Arts & Crafts Fair, which will be held on Saturday, August 17th from 10 am to 4 pm.  Now is the time to get your SPACES!  Home businesses welcome.  To reserve a spot, email your request to SAHS.CountryFair@gmail.com or use the form at the SAHS Website (www.SAHSHistory.org).

Website:  https://sahshistory.org/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Salem-Area-Historical-Society/124128277610297

Phone (248) 486-0669


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