The Gardening with joey and holly radio show
LIVE sundays 7-8am
Website: thewisconsinvegetablegardener.com
eMail: gardentalkradio@gmail.com
Joey and Holly Baird are a married couple living in southeastern Wisconsin (just outside of Milwaukee). They make instructional videos on YouTube on how to grow food organically, reusing found items (or items you may just throw away), what to do with the food you grow, home canning, and simple home living. They grow in the ground, raised beds, straw bales, containers, indoor herbs, and even a dwarf lime tree that they have year-round in their kitchen!
Joey and Holly are going into the fifth season of The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show; it is a radio program unlike other garden talk shows. It’s focus is to bring gardeners of all levels together, to help gardens grow better, to have healthier trees, maintained landscapes and yards (indoors and out), plus preserving what is grown. The show is content based and topic driven. There are weekly guests, featuring garden experts from across the country; and of course, there is always time to get all of your gardening questions answered.