WAAM Talk 1600

The Bone Conduction Music Show | LIVE

Show Info

Show Times

Timezone: EST [UTC-5]
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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About the Show

This show of shows is a white hot mega blast of wig singeing rock &roll, hip shakin’ soul music, and industrial strength rhythm &blues. It is the music that moves through you like electricity, the music that uses you as lightning rod, the music that causes you to shake your tail feather. And remember dear friends, if the good Lord didn’t want you to shake your tail feather, he never would have given you one. The Bone Conduction Music Show is a labor of love. I created the show in January of 1984, been doing this a looooooong time. I take great pride in presenting music from cutting edge tip of the whip new talent as well as from tried and true reliable veterans that have been in the business since they were knee high to a tube of toothpaste. Why wait, you could be hit by a bus, listen now!

We tried putting up and maintaining a show playlist in order of rotation on the 24×7 web stream, but it’s way too labor intensive. We are far too busy drinking beer and watching television to list shows, songs., etc., as they run. Believe me, we tried. Once we get a staff we’ll put it up in great detail. But to maintain a staff you have to ‘make it’ in radio. And once you ‘make it’ in radio you get a Sleep Number Bed endorsement deal, a Bose Speakers endorsement deal, and if you’re Regis Philbin a Welch’s Grape Juice endorsement deal too. We have none of those ‘we-made-it-in-radio’ endorsement deals here are at Coolarity Radio! Hence we have no staff to maintain an accurate and up to date schedule page listing shows and songs in order of play. Stay tuned.

Contact us if you want to know about a specific song you heard, approximate time you heard it, lyric to the best of your knowledge, etc., and we’ll do the best we can to tell you who the artist is and what the song is titled.

And please *DO* tell a hundred of your closest pals about our website and radio show.