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The Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor (CSC) will host the 16th Annual Amazing Race – Registration begins at 4pm

April 20

The Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor (CSC) will host the 16th Annual Amazing
Race on Saturday, April 20th, 2024. Experience the Greater Ann Arbor Community in a new
light as you work to solve clues and hunt for landmarks in a family-friendly team based road
rally. During the race you will rely on wit, teamwork, and, of course, a little bit of luck to complete
your route first. At the final destination, you’ll enjoy a tailgate style post-race party with music,
prizes, food, refreshments, costume and car decorating contests, and raffle.The event begins
and ends at 3500 Jackson Road. Registration starts at 4:00 p.m. and the race flag drops
promptly at 4:30 p.m.
Tickets are $50 per person and teams of 4 are encouraged. All proceeds from the event directly
fund the CSC, which provides free cancer support services to all people affected by cancer.
These programs range from professionally facilitated support groups, exercise and nutrition
programs to children and family programming. CSC is the only organization in the community
that focuses solely on improving the quality of life of people affected by cancer. All programs are
provided free of charge.
CSC is proud to announce the Presenting Sponsors of the 2024 Amazing Race as Pfizer
Oncology, Trinity Health Michigan, and The University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center.
According to Bonnie Dockham, Executive Director of the CSC, around 200 attendees are
anticipated. So, grab your friends, family, some detective caps, and your competitive spirit and
join in this great adventure for people of all ages!
Reserve your tickets by visiting the website A2AmazingRace.com or calling the Cancer Support
Community of Greater Ann Arbor at 734-975-2500.

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April 20