On Wednesday, September 26th, Salem Area Historical Society will be holding its monthly meeting in the Dickerson Barn at the Jarvis Stone School Historic District (7991 N. Territorial Rd.) starting at 7:00 PM. After a short business meeting, Chuck Bultman will talk on The Peninsular Paper Company in the Gilded Age. The Peninsular Paper Company (PPC), founded in 1867 in Ypsilanti, was arguably the state’s second most successful company ever. The PPC, as well as other mills stretched along the Huron River, contributed to the great wealth and status that Ypsilanti enjoyed in the 1880’s and 1890’s. And while the PPC endured until 2001, business does not come with guarantees. Come and hear the story of the company’s founding, its role in the community, and how it almost all fell apart in 1898. Come and hear how art along with industry literally saved this important business.
Website: https://sahshistory.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Salem-Area-Historical-Society/124128277610297
Phone (248) 486-0669