Listener Call-In: 734 822-1600
Website: triggertalkradio.com
eMail: dick@triggertalkradio.com
Dick Cupka has been shooting for over 50 years. Beginning with shooting tin cans off a fence post on the family farm with his BB gun at the age of five, Dick has been a life long shooting enthusiast. Pellet guns and .22’s soon followed and the addition of a Ruger Single Six in 1968 cemented his passion for all things ballistic! As with many kids growing up in the 60’s, he was exposed to historical firearms through the popular westerns and military shows on broadcast television. From Winchester 94’s to M1 Garand’s and Carbines the allure of blued steel and walnut has continued to grow.
Following graduation from Purdue University in 1979, Dick moved to southeast Michigan in pursuit of a career in aviation, eventually transitioning to the automotive industry. For over 25 years dick has held management positions at Ford Motor Company in Manufacturing Engineering and Product Development and is currently the Program Manager for Commercial Vehicles Sustainability products.
Wishing to share the same enjoyment of the shooting sports inspired by his grandfather, Dick became an NRA Certified Instructor and Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Instructor. Dick teaches monthly at Tri-County Sporstmen’s Leagues in Saline, and writes a column titled Trigger Talk for The Courant newspaper in Whitmore Lake.