Join me, “Fast Eddie,” for the Doo Wopinest show on the radio! Eddie’s Caravan delivers a payload of high octane Doo Wop, hard drivin’ Rhythm n’ Blues, and just a skosh of other cool stuff. Spiff up your Hot Rod and get ready for a cruise back in time through the streets of Ann Arbor circa 1962. I know the way ’cause I live there. Merge in right behind the gray primered, wicked fast, ’55 Chevy & DIG IT!
Get hip to Fast Eddie’s Spotlight on Vocal Harmony! Each week, Eddie’s Caravan devotes an entire segment of the program to showcase Doo Wop Groups like the Teenagers, Moonglows, Skyliners and Chordettes. Hey all you Cats & Kittens, dig out your white bucks and saddle shoes and get ready to BOP!
At the conclusion of the show, Fast Eddie will transport you back to the future and place you gently in the 21st century with a song selection from 2000 to the present.
“Fast Eddie” aka Eddie Krasny is a life-long Ann Arborite and 4th generation “Townie” raised near West Park before moving to the Burns Park neighborhood at the start of Junior High. Eddie attended St. Thomas Catholic School through 12th grade.
As a teenager in the late 50’s and early 60’s, he regularly cruised the circuit on Stadium Blvd. from McDonald’s to Everett’s to the A&W all night long. Beginning in Junior High, Fast Eddie never went to a house party or a sock hop without his favorite 45 rpm records and reveled in sharing his music with his friends. Eddie’s teenage fantasy was realized when he had the opportunity to create Eddie’s Caravan for WAAM Radio.