Phil Stargell
LIVE saturdays 9-10am
Listener Call-In: 734 822-1600
Website: anchor.fm/phil-stargell
eMail: dr_baad@yahoo.com
Phil Stargell is the founder and host of the Abolitionist Round Table radio show, broadcasting every Saturday from 7-8am on WAAM Radio. The show is patriotic, pro-traditional family, and pro-life. We seek to protect the American heritage. Join us and become part of the roundtable! We have formed alliances with patriot groups and have outreached to all the pregnancy crisis centers of Michigan.
Our mission is to protect our American heritage, to promote Christian ideals, and to advance a new generation of conservative leaders in America.
We affirm and promote the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built, in order to protect life, marriage, family, faith, and freedom. The Abolitionist Roundtable of Michigan strongly encourages Americans of like mind and those who oppose us to take a seat at the Roundtable in vigorous debate. We use the airwaves, the internet, and personal appearances by Roundtable members to achieve our goals.